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Northern Pod? Aren't they supposed to be dangerous?... [-... We can be.]
Sirena and Mimmi discussing the Northern Pod's dangerous reputation[src]

The Northern Pod was an ancient pod of mermaids and formerly mermen of a highly dangerous reputation that lived on the underwater, shark-infested coral reef somewhere in the waters of the upper regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and its members were described as very powerful and notorious. As a result, Northern mermaids and mermen are often seen as dangerous or wicked, and were described as having the knowledge of some of the best spells and potions known to merkind.

The members of the Northern Pod likely speak English with a Canadian accent as possibly their native language.


Like all pods, the Northern Pod possessed a Mermaid Council that were in charge of governing of the members of the pod, and its own Mermaid School which was led by wise, powerful member teachers, and attended by hatchlings in order to learn how to utilize and master their powers properly. Upon graduation, and being initiated into the pod, mermaid hatchlings also received their own Moon Rings, and the right to attend the Full Moon Ceremony with the rest of the pod, while mermen were presumably likely forbidden from attending the ceremony due to not possessing their own Moon Rings. The Northern Pod was described as having the knowledge of the best spells and potions. There is also the Northern Song, which when sung by a Northern siren, it was able to enchant mermaids from others pods as well, however, Northern mermaids themselves were apparently immune to its enchanting tune. It was unknown whether Northern mermen were immune to the Northern Song, or not, though they were most likely not.

Northern merpeople were most likely resistant and immune to Snow Rash and low temperatures due to their aquatic habitats of swimming in cold, icy waters around Canada and the Arctic Circle, completely protected from the cold or hypothermia.


Despite every pod have it own set of rules, the ones in the Northern Pod are the following:

  • It is forbidden to reveal themselves, to associate with or to fall in love with land people. (it is unknown if this extended to other non-human beings)
  • It is forbidden to cast the Legs Spell, whether by the Full Moon or by using a moonstone.
  • It was forbidden to let a human being undergo metamorphosis in an active Moon Pool.
  • It is forbidden to swim too close the shore or where they could be seen.
  • When a merman hatchling was born, a newborn was to be given up to foster human families on land with the use of a forbidden Legs Spell.
  • It was forbidden to Sirens to sing their enchanted songs.
  • It was forbidden to attend the Full Moon Ceremony unless in possession of a Moon Ring.
  • The bestowing of a new Moon Ring may occur only under special, worth-proving circumstances.

If a member violated one of the rules in the Northern Pod, the elders of their responsible Mermaid Council were to strictly discipline and punish the reported merperson, such via permanently banishing him/her, resulting in them being outcast. Despite this, a Mermaid Council had the power to lift a merperson's banishment, welcoming them again if the conditions of their return were met.


Since ancient times, a pod of arctic-born mermen and mermaids was found living in the waters of the Northern hemisphere. The Northern Pod developed an infamous, notorious reputation, even across the seas, due to practicing dangerous, yet powerful forms of magic.

Due to the entire merpeople race being magically gifted with extraordinary magical abilities and the capacity of amplifying them hundreds of times by Moon Pools since ancient times, the mermaids across the seas, including the Northern Pod, honor the Full Moon in a ceremony since then, which was reserved only for the initiated mermaid members of the pod in the possession of a Moon Ring.

Eons later, around the 11th Century, an army of Northern mermaids, along with four other mermaids from the other four oceans, drew on the powers of the oceans and locked the Trident away in the Trident Cave with one of the kinder merman's help. At some point, Nerissa's ancestors moved to the Northern Hemisphere and became members of the Northern Pod. From then on, all mermen were to be abandoned by their mothers when they were born to be raised on land in human foster families as the Legs Spell easily makes it possible. It was unknown whether the Northern Pod followed through the same practice, or if allowed mermen to remain with the pod, following the war.

At some point during the late 1790s or early 1800s, the Enchantment Song was outlawed from the Northern Pod.

Unfortunately, centuries later, around the late 1990s, the Northern Pod was threatened by the rebel mermaid, Aurora. Her powers apparently rivaled even Nerissa's, because she proved to be a threat to the whole pod and even for her. Realizing she could not keep her children safe, Nerissa was forced to make the most difficult decision of her life and send her children to new homes. After briefly fleeing the Northern Pod, Nerissa headed to Australia where she sent her daughter Mimmi to live in the Mako Pod. Nerissa then began searching for a home for Zac, realizing that a pod of mermaids would never care for him. After leaving Zac on the beach for the Blakelys to find, Nerissa heavy heartedly returned to the Northern Pod to continue fighting Aurora hoping that one day she would be able to come back for her children. Apparently, Nerissa drove Aurora away after returning to the Northern Pod.

The Canadian Mermaid was caught on footage singing the Northern Pod Enchantment Song and it was uploaded online. Sirena heard it and was enchanted since she is a not a Northern mermaid. She sang the Northern Pod Enchantment Song to David, but Mimmi and Ondina sang the Counter-version song and broke the enchantment on her.

Known Members[]




  • The Northern Pod derived its name from the North, one of the four cardinal points of the globe, where it was located, and where above the Tropic of Cancer, the Sun never shone from the north, except inside the Arctic Circle during the summer midnight sun.


  • The dangerous reputation of the Northern Pod may have been inspired by the legends of dangerous, wicked mermaids who were most common in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • According to Mimmi, the members of the Northern Pod used to trap sharks in ice prisons.
  • Since Mimmi clearly stated that she was the only one who was immune to the Northern siren song, despite her brother, Zac being a Northern merman, it was presumed that the song was effective on Northern mermen as well. Ondina, a mermaid native from the Mako Pod, was able to block out Sirena's siren song with sea slime that seemed to be soundproof like earplugs, and protect her from the Northern song's enchanting tune.
  • The exact location of the Northern Pod was never fully revealed, and there were only few implications on its whereabouts.
    • During her conversation with Weilan, it was implied by Mimmi that the Northern Pod might be located somewhere near Canada, when the former noticed the latter's foreign accent.[1] It was further implied by the appearance of the Canadian Mermaid[2], when the latter was recorded by two human kayakemen near Canada. However, it was not known whether the Canadian Mermaid was a true member of the Northern Pod, or if she was simply a mermaid who was herself enchanted by the song, just like Sirena, a mermaid native from the Mako Pod, was.
    • Because it lives in cold, low-temperature waters, it is possible that the Northern pod received the regular, elemental powers of . Hydro-Cryokinesis and Cryokinesis from its moon pool.
    • Part of the making of the Arctic Marshmallow required a merperson to lower the temperature of the liquids to the exact degree of the Beaufort Sea in late December.[3] Mimmi also noted that polar bears were fond of the Arctic Marshmallow, which further implied these regions.
    • Arctic sea lavender, which was one of the ingredient used in the making of the Arctic Marshmallow was primarily found only in the waters of the North Atlantic.[3] Also, a dash of dried plankton which was used to stop the transference of flavours was taken from the Baltic Sea.

