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Neptina, also known as Neppy, is a young Southern hatchling who followed Ondina back to Mako Island. She only appears in the episode Stowaway.

Mermaid Powers[]

As a mermaid, Neptina has the ability to swim at a super speed, and dive at depths no human being is capable of, completely protected from its cold and water pressure. She is also capable of holding her breath for at least fifteen minutes.

She hasn't developed all of her mermaid powers yet and possibly attends her pod's Mermaid School to learn how to master all of her powers.


Neptina has all the weaknesses of a Southern mermaid. However, she is still susceptible to Mako's Moon Pool's well-being, meaning if it is destroyed or deprived of its powerful, magical Moon Water, she would perish and die with it.

Behind the scenes[]

She was portrayed by Angourie Rice.


  • Neptina is a name of Roman origins and it is the feminine version of Neptune, the Roman counterpart to the Greek Poseidon and god of the sea.


  • She also shares her name with a mermaid character in a 1960s Japanese anime "Marine Boy" (in Japan, "Undersea Boy Marine"), one of the first color anime cartoons to be shown dubbed in the U.S. and later Australia and the United Kingdom.
  • It is very likely that Neptina had mastered the Moon Spell Control, although off-screen (most likely by the end of Season 3).
  • Her friends call her Neppy.
  • Neppy's age is never mentioned; however it is estimated that she was 11 or 12 years old back in 2014, when she visited Rita's Grotto for the first time.
  • Neppy found out about Evie and Erik when she visited land, but when sent back to the pod, she did not let the Mermaid Council know.
  • Neppy was unaware of the Metamorphosis, any active Moon Pool's natural reaction on human beings (be it men or women) that transforms them into merpeople, no matter age. When she discovered that Evie McLaren had powers but realized she wasn't part of her native Mako Pod, she asks: "Which pod are her from?" but Ondina replies that Evie didn't belonged to none. Realizing Evie's dormant human nature behind it she replies: "how a land girl could even get powers?" while in Rita's Grotto. Ondina says that it was complicated, and she were too young to understand it. She also express her desires for Neppy returning to the sea.
  • Neppy is the first hatchling in Mako: Island of Secrets to get human legs, as Bella had previously a human form which allowed her to unknowingly trigger Limited Transformation once she went dry.
  • Neppy could be considered the second hatchling to appear in the series. Isabella Hartley, by other hand, could be considered the very first one as she went through Metamorphosis at the age of nine in a Moon Pool nestled in a Irish set of caves when the Full Moon was up, resulting in her sprouting an orange-scaled tail and top of coppery scales the instant the moon's face reflected itself into the saltwater pool, causing it to bubble and glow and magically transforming the former human girl into a mermaid/hatchling (her tail sprouted instantly).
  • Unlike Bella, however, Neppy had never walked or were a human, was born out in the sea and didn't have knowledge of about how the human world functioned. Whereas Isabella does possesses Gelidkinesis and Substanciakinesis and all standard abilities of a merperson, Neptina most likely has all Merpeople Powers (including Emma's to freeze water, Cleo's to mold and Rikki's to boil it) and the additional power to turn herself invisible. Furthermore, in order for her to walk, Mimmi and Ondina needed to cast the Legs Spell (via a Moon Ring) on her once she was out of the Grotto's pool. They dressed Neppy as a regular girl, she struggled walking and was scared of Poseidon, Rita's pet cat.
  • Since Neptina is a sea-born mermaid and therefore has no human relatives, her unusual name suits her as well, as it makes reference to Neptune, the Roman God of Seas and freshwater environments.
  • By the end of the episode, Ondina gifts Neppy with a beautiful seashell that she uses it in her hair like Ondina did before, as a symbol of their friendship and that Neptina had matured enough to stay in her pod by her own.

