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Mako S2E15 - Moon Water floated

Water from Mako's Moon Pool

Moon Water was a special type of water that originated from Moon Pools.


According to Mimmi, the Moon Water contained the power of the moon itself, and as such, it was difficult for even a merperson to float it in mid-air; they could easily lose control due to its magical and extremely magnetic properties. If a human somehow absorbed some into their physical system, they would receive powers over water, and their swimming ability would be enhanced. However, the Moon Water would become unstable in a short period of time - acting like a magnet and attracting all regular water around. It could be removed from a human's body via the power of freezing, also known as Cryokinesis. Just like regular water, the moonwater was able to break the Legs Spell, and return a bewitched merperson to their true forms.[1]

Moon Pools were the very source of merpeople's magical abilities. Their lives and magic were linked with a specific Moon Pool of a different pod that served as the source of their metamorphosis, meaning if it was devoid of its powerful, almost mystical moon water, the merpeople linked to a specific defective Moon Pool were to perish and die along with it if the destruction of their source of magic was not resolved in time.


