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Outcasts is the first episode of the first season of Mako: Island of Secrets and the first episode of the series overall.


Two mermaids Nixie and Sirena are racing. When they surface, they tease each other for fun on who is faster. Immediately afterwards comes Aquata - Sirena's sister. The mermaid is not impressed by the behavior of her sister and her friend, who should have embraced their guard duty a long time ago, and Sirena replies that they are on their way. Nixie is not delighted with the prospect of guarding the island and asks when they will be able to participate in the celebration during the full moon. Aquata motivates them with a the fact that when they complete the training and receive the rings. The mermaids are leaving. Lyla waits for them there and declares to her friends that she is swimming to patrol the long shore, and they take the rest.

Two boys arrive on the island: Zac and Cam to spend the night on Mako to celebrate the end of the holiday. Cam challenges Zac that he will be the first to catch a fish. Zac taken on the bet. Meanwhile, Sirena and Nixie are watching the boys. Nixie wants to help them to catch fish, but Sirena disagrees, but goes along with her plan.

Nixie pulls Zac's line. The boy thinks he will win the bet, but when he pulls out the fishing rod, there is nothing on it. Sirena helps Cam catch fish. Lyla appears behind the sirens and is angry with her friends and the fact that they let the boys catch fish. Nixie is convinced that the boys will leave, but Cam and Zac moor the boat, go ashore and go deep into the jungle to camp. Cam told Zac to pitch a tent because he lost the bet. The boy went to work without arguing. Mermaids discuss in the moon pool about the possible dangers caused by the presence of people on the island during the full moon and mermaids festival.

Cam and Zac eat fish they caught and talk about Evie. After the conversation Cam goes to sleep, and Zac follows the nature's call.

In the moon pool, the mermaids are preparing for the moon to come over the volcano. When it comes, they close their eyes and float in the water.

Zac near the rocks notices a strange light coming from between the rocks. Walking toward the light, he noticed the entrance to the cave. When he was inside he saw the sign of the Trident. When he touched the symbol, the ground beneath him disappeared and he fell into the moon pool, where there were three young mermaids. A magic shock wave alerts the other mermaids of something happening. Startled by the boy's presence, the mermaids tried to save the unconscious boy from drowning.

The next day, Cam wakes up and notices his friend's absence, so he goes looking for him. Zac wakes up on the beach not remembering last night.

In the moon pool, the mermaids wonder how Zac got into the cave and the consequences of not making sure that nobody would approach their home.

Cam made Zac tea and asks about the events of the previous night. The boy talks about the cave and the light coming out of the rocks. Cam mentions there being full moon last night, but his friend denies having seen the moonlight. Cam doesn't believe Zac, so he decides to take him to this place. At the rocks where Zac entered the cave, there was nothing, so Cam decided that the boy only dreamed of it.

Sirena tells her friends that they have to tell the pod about the boy who fell into the moon pool. Lyla says it's crazy and there's got to be some other way. Aquata heard the last words and asks what the mermaids were doing that night.

Zac packs a tent and backpacks. Cam is not impressed by the choice of his friend and says that they were supposed to stay here two nights. The boy states that he does not want to sit on this island any longer.

The mermaids have told everything and ask that Aquata say nothing to the pod, but Maya says that she has no choice. Nixie wants to see if Zac is okay.

The boys are sailing by boat. Cam stops at the platform where Zac comes out, takes out his things and leaves. Cam drives the boat away and Zac goes home. The mermaids follow Zac and witness the boy's unconscious use of power. Zac wanted to wash the fishing reel under the tap and used telekinesis inadvertently. The mermaids and the boy were shocked. Zac went to Ocean Café, where Cam and Evie are eating breakfast. The boy greeted his girlfriend and asked Cam to go with him for a while. When they were alone, Zac wanted to show his friend his new skills, but the mermaids prevented him. Cam walked away slightly annoyed that Zac interrupted his meal. The boy didn't understand why it didn't work out and he tried to use the power again. This time the water shot out of the hose, stunning the boy who fell into the water. After a moment Zac had a tail. The mermaids were shocked. Zac swims to his house and climbed onto the jetty. He reached for the towel and frantically wiped his tail. After a minute, the tail disappeared.

The mermaid trio swims to the moon pool. Aquata waits for them on site and declares that the pod is leaving from Mako. Mermaids ask what's next, and Aquata replies that all three have been banished. The mermaid hands the moon ring to her sister and swims away.

Cam comes to Zac. He finds him in the water, swimming with his tail, and he shows his powers to Cam.

On Mako, the mermaids, crying, wonder what to do next. Nixie says they will fix the mistake they made.


  • The main characters alongside supporting and recurring characters Cam Mitchell, Evie McLaren, David, and Aquata are introduced.
  • Sirena is the only mermaid who did not use her powers in this episode.
  • The new entrance to the Moon Pool is introduced.
  • The Mako Pod is apparently ignorant to the fact there is a way of humans to get into the Moon Pool; the hidden passage/slope.
  • Theme song "I Just Wanna Be", written by Chantelle Defina & Jack Dacy and performed by Amy Ruffle, is introduced.
  • The first ever merman is introduced to the show, Zac.
  • First episode directed by Evan Clarry.


  • International Airdates:
    • Netflix, the sole contributor of the series, internationally aired this episode along with twelve others on July 26th July, 2013. (Only countries with Netflix service).
    • Australia : July 26th, 2013 on TEN at 4:00pm under the name Mako: Island of Secrets.
  • Like H2O, all underwater scenes were filmed in Sea World Australia.
  • The series was first announced in July 2011 and filming was suppose to begin in April 2012 but was postponed to May 8th 2012 and ran through until October 12th 2012.
  • Production value of season 1 total to A$12.3 million.



  • Zac: You aren't catching anything.
  • Cam: You're just worried I'll catch something before you do.

  • Sirena: Land people. Can you imagine living without a tail?
  • Nixie: Let's give them a hand at catching something.


Behind the scenes[]



Mako Mermaids S1 E1- Outcasts
