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Julia was one of the three original mermaids in 1955.


Early Life[]

Julia was born in early 1940s to unnamed human parents. At some point during or after her childhood, she met and quickly became best-friends with two other girls named Louise and Gracie. Julia was known to attend an unknown high school with them during her teenage years back in the 1950s, and it is very likely that she met Max Hamilton, also a good friend, while there or even before.

Becoming a mermaid[]

In 1955, Julia was hanging out with her best-friends Louise and Gracie, until they decided to pay a visit to Mako Island. When already there, they found themselves at its heart and discovered a Moon Pool. As it was a Full Moon night, Julia and both her best-friends stayed on it, going through metamorphosis.

Later, by being exposed to water, Julia sprouted her mermaid tail and confirmed with her two best-friends that she wasn't the only one. It was most likely around this time that she discovered her individual, yet special power over water.

Life as a mermaid[]

She was known to have an attitude and "free spirit", much like Rikki. When she told her boyfriend, Karl (who was a rich bad boy, like Zane), she was a mermaid, he was angry at her for her distrust towards him. They didn't speak for a while, but when Karl called Julia one day and asked to meet him, she rushed to him in her mermaid form. With a camera behind his back, Karl got few shots, and nearly exposed her to the world. Fortunately, Gracie and Louise still distrusted Karl and also came, and Louise threw the camera into the sea. Julia was heartbroken and remained so for a long time, but she eventually got over it, moved on and re-established her friendship with Gracie and Louise.  

After the Moon of Fifty Years[]

In 1957, two years after Julia and her two best-friends' own transformation into mermaids, Max Hamilton's research on them began causing his girlfriend Gracie the desire of being a human once again. Tired of him, she came to Mako on a special Full Moon known as the "Moon of Fifty Years", which deprives merpeople of their tails and abilities permanently. After Gracie returned to her original state as a human being, she ended her relationship with Max and her friendship bond with Louise and Julia was broken as well.

Present Day[]

Julia passed away in 2006, and her possessions were sold, which might indicate that she never married, since there was no one to inherit her things. Julia was the original owner of the Red Locket, which ended up in a jewelry shop, where Rikki Chadwick, while on a date, saw it.

It is unknown if Julia also gave up her abilities or retained them until her death.

Mermaid Powers[]

Due to entering the Mako Island's Moon Pool with her two ex-best-friends Gracie and Louise Chatham, Julia was only gifted with one unspecified power over water, and didn't receive all merpeople powers like a person who enters the Moon Pool alone. Julia retained her special, individual power over water, although it is unknown what kind it is, or which she, Louise and Gracie received back in the '50s as teenage girls.

It was once implied by Louise's extensive knowledge, that she, Gracie, and Julia once underwent the Lunar Eclipse in Mako's Moon Pool themselves, before Gracie permanently gave up her mermaid self and magical power back in 1957, for Louise to be aware of the Eclipse's effect on a bewitched merperson.

  • Unknown Power: It is unknown what water-related kind of power Julia possessed when she first transformed with her fellow friends, Gracie, and Louise, although Julia is speculated to had received the power of Hydro-Thermokinesis. It was also unknown whether Julia ever enhanced her regular power under the Elemental Moon in an active Moon Pool, and received her elemental powers, prior to her death back in early-to-mid 2006.

  • Moon Spell Control: An essential skill that every merperson has to learn to master properly, as it lets them survive the Full Moon's spell without letting it control them. It is unknown whether Julia ever mastered the skill.
  • Limited Transformation: All former humans that undergo metamorphosis possess this ability since their very first transformation. Gracie could transform into a mermaid ten seconds after physical contact with water. She turns back into a human a few minutes after she is out of the water and when the water on her has fully dried. Once her body is completely dry, she turns back into a human along with the outfit she was wearing before the transformation.
  • Speed-Swimming: The ability that all mermaids and mermen are shown to have. It's the ability to swim at an incredible speed, and as such, their bodies is encased in bubbles because of the incredible high speed. Julia possessed the ability to swim at a super speed, and dive at depths no human being is capable of, completely protected from its cold and water pressure.
  • Enhanced Breath: Merpeople are able to hold their breath without any discomfort for at least fifteen minutes before needing to breathe, and will get unconscious if the time period extends over past those minute.
  • Aquatic Adaptation: Depending on where they are born and raised, merpeople may be resistant to certain elements in that area.
  • Enhanced Senses: Merpeople may have slightly enhanced senses suited to life underwater due to living in the sea. To sea born mermaids, land people smell horrible, even the average hygienic human emits this smell but only mermaids can detect it.
  • Endurance: Merpeople are able to swim for days without exhaustion, something which no human has the stamina to do. They can also dive at depths no human could withstand.
  • Amphibious: Merpeople's respiratory system can extract oxygen from both water and air, allowing them to breathe freely both underwater and on land.
  • Thermal Resistance: The ability to survive extreme hot or cold temperatures.
  • Extended Lifespan: While merpeople do age, their lifespan is far longer than that of humans. It's unclear if this applies to human-turned merpeople as well, though it likely does, as they appear to be biologically identical to naturally born merpeople.

  • Weaknesses[]

    Before her transformation, Julia had all the typical weaknesses of a human. When she transformed, she was susceptible to all the weaknesses of a human-turned-mermaid, like the temporary twelve-hours Lunar Eclipse or the dangerous power-stripping Moon of Fifty Years. Julia was also susceptible to Mako's Moon Pool's well-being, meaning if it is destroyed or deprived of its powerful, magical Moon Water, she would perish and die with it. It is unknown if Julia also gave up her abilities or retained them until her death in 2006.

    Physical Appearance[]

    Julia was a beautiful teenage girl of average height and slim figure. She had pale skin, blue eyes, button nose, full pink lips with red lipstick and shoulder length curly golden blonde hair worn in an updo bun. Her wardrobe is sometimes girly with shirts with cardigans and long skirts with socks and shoes but sometimes tomboy with shirts and long pants with sandals. Her bathing suit was red and wore the locket with a ruby on it.



    He was Julia's love in the 1950s. Gracie and Louise discovered that Julia was dating Karl, and wanted her to break it off, since she also shared their secret. Julia was sure it was the right time and decided to tell his secret to Karl, he however rejected her coldly. One day, Karl called Julia, and asked her to meet him at the pier in her mermaid form. Gracie and Louise begged her not to go, but she went anyway. With a camera behind his back, Karl snapped a few pictures of Julia in her mermaid form, wanting to display those for the whole world. Fortunately, Gracie and Louise also came, and Louise threw the camera into the sea. Julia was heartbroken for a long time, and ended her relationship with Karl. Karl tried to tell everyone about the girls being mermaids, but people did not believe. Julia was heartbroken and according to Louise, she never got over the betrayal. It took some time, but life went on, and she re-established her friendship with Gracie and Louise and renewed their secret.

    Behind the scenes[]

    She was portrayed by actress Amrita Tarr in Season 1 and by actress Taryn Marler in a flashback in Season 2.


    • Julia is a Latin name and the meaning is "youthful, downy". It is an alternative form of Julianna.


    • Julia's last name is never revealed in the series.
      • It was fans' speculation that it was Dove, same as Ash's unrevealed last name, to make them related.
    • Season 2's Julia was played by Taryn Marler, who would play Sophie Benjamin in Season 3.
    • Julia is the second original mermaid to die, the first being Gracie.
    • Julia's handcrafted red-stonned locket might indicate that she received the power of Hydro-Thermokinesis following her Metamorphosis in 1955, the same as Rikki Chadwick got following hers in 2006. However, it is unknown if Julia retained her real self and abilities until her death that same year or also gave them up under a Moon of Fifty Years like her ex-best-friend Gracie did back in 1957.


    Main article: Julia/Gallery
