Combined Atmokinesis is an supremely powerful combined elemental power limited only to Cleo Sertori, Emma Gilbert and Rikki Chadwick. When they combine their amplified powers, they're able to control the weather.
When two or more mermaids combined their individual inhere Elemental Powers, the powers of air and wind, ice and snow, and lighting and electricity grants them complete control over the weather and its various elemental aspects. They have shown the capability to create even stronger thunderstorms, and electrical storms and have greater control over them. The girls created a massive electrical storm over Mako Island, the wind of which was measured to be over 200km/h, making it the equivalent of a Category 4 Severe Tropical Cyclone.
So far, only Cleo, Emma and Rikki have been shown to have this power, but it is presumed any group of two or more merpeople with enhanced original water-related powers possessed it as well.
They used it first in "Stormy Weather", the girls looked at the Full Moon swims to Mako Island and were in the Moon Pool during the special planetary alignment known as the Elemental Moon which magnified their original powers to much more powerful levels. Under the spell of the moon, together they create a powerful electric storm and blow Lewis away.
In "The Heat is On", it’s used by Emma Gilbert and Rikki Chadwick in the cafe as they are fighting over Zane and Ash.
In "Unfathomable", it was due to this power that Cleo, Emma and Rikki defeated Charlotte Watsford by stripping her of her own powers and abilities under the Moon of Fifty Years at Mako Island.
H2O: Just Add Water[]
Regular Powers |
Hydrokinesis • Hydro-Cryokinesis • Hydro-Thermokinesis • Gelidkinesis • Substanciakinesis |
Weather Powers/Elemental Powers |
Aerokinesis • Atmokinesis • Combined Atmokinesis • Cryokinesis • Electrokinesis • Pyrokinesis • Thermokinesis |